Teachers Day 2017 Short Speech & Essay for Kids, Students in English & Hindi – Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year on 5th of September and it is the day which is dedicated to commemorate the entire community of teachers across the nation. Teacher’s Day is celebrated to pay tribute and heartily respect to the teachers of the nation who have contribute towards the betterment of the society by imparting education. Teachers are reckoned as the backbone of the society who put all their efforts to shape the career of the students and help them become successful citizen of the country.
For all the students, Teacher’s Day is the most auspicious occasion where they get the opportunity to pay tribute, gratitude and reverence to their teachers for the extraordinary support and unselfish effort in shaping the career of the students and for enhancing the education system of the country with their unique learning processes. Teachers treat all students equally and take proper care of the students and love them as their own child. In real life we usually owe them more than our parents. They play a crucial role on in arousing the heart of all students and light it up with education and knowledge and help them in eliminating regret and ignorance. Today, you can easily find Teachers Day Essay for Kids, which they can deliver during this auspicious day to pay respect for their teachers.
Teachers Day Speech in English & Hindi
Teachers Day Speech- The most awaited day of the year which is dedicated for the teachers or Guru have arrived, so on this day students wish their Teachers a very Happy Teachers Day so for this day, students prepare for Speech on this day and give the speech in from of the teachers and all the students of the School. Teachers Day is celebrated on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Each year teachers day is celebrated on 5th September. On this day people search of Teachers Day Speech to give in Schools, Colleges, Offices and many other places.
A very good morning to the Principal, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. We are here today to celebrate a most honorable occasion of Teachers day. Really it is an honorable occasion to all the students all over the India. It is observed every year to pay respect to the teachers from their obedient students. So, dear friends come on and join this celebration to pay a heartily respect to our own teachers. They are called as the back bone of our society because they highly contribute in building up our characters, shaping our future and help us to be ideal citizens of the country.Teacher’s day is celebrated all across the India every year on 5th of September to pay tribute to the teachers for their precious contributions in our study as well as towards the society and country. There is a great reason behind the celebration of teacher’s day on 5th of September. Actually, 5th of September is the birthday Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a great person and highly devoted towards the education. He was well known as the scholar, diplomat, Vice President of India, President of India and most importantly the Teacher. After his selection as the Indian President in 1962, he was asked and requested by the students to get permission to celebrate his birthday on 5th of September. However, he replied that, instead of celebrating 5th of September as my personal birthday, it would be better if it is dedicated to the whole teaching profession. And 5thof September should be celebrated as teachers day all over India to pay honor to the teaching profession.For all students of India, Teachers’ Day is like an occasion and opportunity to pay tribute and gratitude to their teachers for their continuous, selfless and precious efforts in shaping the future. They are the reason to enrich all the quality education system in the country and process it continuously without getting tired. Our teachers never consider us less than their own children and teaches us from their heart. As kids we need inspiration and motivation which we surely get from our teachers. They prepare us to tackle any bad situation of the life through the knowledge and patience. Dear teachers, we are really grateful to all of you and would be forever.Thank You
भारत भूमि पर अनेक विभूतियों ने अपने ज्ञान से हम सभी का मार्ग दर्शन किया है। उन्ही में से एक महान विभूति शिक्षाविद्, दार्शनिक, महानवक्ता एवं आस्थावान हिन्दु विचारक डॉ. सर्वपल्लवी राधाकृष्णन जी ने शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में अमूल्य योगदान दिया है। उनकी मान्यता थी कि यदि सही तरीके से शिक्षा दी जाय़े तो समाज की अनेक बुराईयों को मिटाया जा सकता है।डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी ज्ञान के सागर थे। उनकी हाजिर जवाबी का एक किस्सा आपसे Share कर रहे हैः—एक बार एक प्रतिभोज के अवसर पर अंग्रेजों की तारीफ करते हुए एक अंग्रेज ने कहा – “ईश्वर हम अंग्रेजों को बहुत प्यार करता है। उसने हमारा निर्माण बङे यत्न और स्नेह से किया है। इसी नाते हम सभी इतने गोरे और सुंदर हैं।“ उस सभा में डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी भी उपस्थित थे। उन्हे ये बात अच्छी नही लगी अतः उन्होने उपस्थित मित्रों को संबोधित करते हुए एक मनगढंत किस्सा सुनाया—“मित्रों, एक बार ईश्वर को रोटी बनाने का मन हुआ उन्होने जो पहली रोटी बनाई, वह जरा कम सिकी। परिणामस्वरूप अंग्रेजों का जन्म हुआ। दूसरी रोटी कच्ची न रह जाए, इस नाते भगवान ने उसे ज्यादा देर तक सेंका और वह जल गई। इससे निग्रो लोग पैदा हुए। मगर इस बार भगवान जरा चौकन्ने हो गये। वह ठीक से रोटी पकाने लगे। इस बार जो रोटी बनी वो न ज्यादा पकी थी न ज्यादा कच्ची। ठीक सिकी थी और परिणाम स्वरूप हम भारतियों का जन्म हुआ।“महामहीम राष्ट्रपति डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी के विचारों को ध्यान में रखते हुए, मित्रों मेरा ये मानना है कि शिक्षक दिवस के पुनित अवसर पर हम सब ये प्रण करें कि शिक्षा की ज्योति को ईमानदारी से अपने जीवन में आत्मसात करेंगे क्योंकि शिक्षा किसी में भेद नही करती, जो इसके महत्व को समझ जाता है वो अपने भविष्य को सुनहरा बना लेता है।सम्सत शिक्षकों को हम निम्न शब्दों से नमन करते हैं—ज्ञानी के मुख से झरे, सदा ज्ञान की बात।हर एक पांखुङी फूल, खुशबु की सौगात।।धन्यवाद
Teachers Day Essay for Kids in English
Teachers Day Essay for Kids- There are many websites over the internet that will provide you with Teachers Day Short Essay for Kids. You may browse across the widest collection of short essays and speeches that you can express in front of your beloved teachers on coming teacher’s day 2015. Here is a sample Teachers Day Essay for Kids, please go through it.
The Teachers Day 2015 Short Essay for Kids starts with greeting the teachers and friends. The best short essay is the one where you explain about this auspicious day and why it is celebrated every year.
Happy Teachers Day Essay for Students in English-
Happy Teachers Day Essay for Students in English- Firstly, you should put emphasize on the day when Teacher’s Day is celebrated. Teacher’s Day is celebrated across the nation on 5th of September every year. But, the day to celebrate this occasion may vary depending upon the country you reside. Every country has specific date when Teacher’s Day is celebrated. But, in India it is celebrated on 5th of September. The celebration of this auspicious day in every country is associated to either achievements of milestone in the field of education or significant great personalities. In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated to pay tribute to former president of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan. 5th September is the birth anniversary of Dr. Radhskrishnan and it is celebrated as Teacher’s Day across the nation. He was the prominent philosopher, thinker, and excellent educator.
Teacher’s Day is celebrated to pay tribute to the community of teachers who have contributed towards the society by enlightening and shaping career of students and imparting quality education. The celebration of Teacher’s Day is very popular in India and acknowledged by UNESCO. Most of the colleges and universities celebrate this day and the program starts with warm Teacher’s Day speech. Kids can find wonderful Teachers Day Essay for Students online which they can use to regard and pay respect to their teachers on this day.
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